How to install BrandsGateway's app for Wix?
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Table of Contents
Installing BrandsGateway’s app for Wix
Setting up as dropshipper
Importing our products to your Wix website
Category Mapping
Price Markup and Fixed shipping costs
The installation process of BrandsGateway’s app for Wix is a simple 3-step process.
1. Installing BrandsGateway’s app for Wix
From your Wix Admin Panel, access the *Few readersMargins and Fixed Shipping Value
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You can set up the margin per each category you import. The minimum markup requirement is 1.5. In general, we suggest that our dropshippers stay between 1.9 and 2.4.
The option for adding ‘Fixed Shipping Cost’ per category and/or subcategory allows you to add the shipping costs to the final price of your products without displaying it in your store. This way you can announce free shipping and have the costs covered by your endFew readersAdding products and changing the markup after the initial import
The BrandsGateway App facilitates new product imports and changes in the current ones at any time.
From the ‘Menu’ on your left-hand side, select ‘Settings’;
Choose the ‘Category Mapping’ option which will take you to the categories you have already imported into your store;
Here you can manage the categories you have imported, add new ones, or delete existing ones as well. Also, you can adjust the initially selected profit margins for each category as per your liking, andFew readersPerforming Category Mapping
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From the ‘Menu’ on your left side, select ‘Settings’;
Select ‘Category Mapping’;
Click ‘Add Mapping’;
Choose a ‘Category’ from the dropdown menu under ‘Retailer Category’;Few readersCanceling/Changing a Subscription Plan
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To cancel the subscription package:
From the Wix Dashboard on your left-hand side, select ‘Apps’;
Click on the options menu for BrandsGateway’s app;
Select ‘Delete’.
Select ‘Few readersPerforming a ‘Compatibility Check’
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By running a ‘Compatibility Check’, you’ll make sure that the integration between your Wix store and BrandsGateway App is running correctly. It’ll only take a couple of minutes to run this check.
From the ‘Menu’ select ‘Settings’;
Select ‘Compatibility Check’;
Click on ‘Run’;
After runnFew readersAdjusting the ‘Synchronization Settings’
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From the ‘Menu’ on your left-hand side, select ‘Settings’;
Choose ‘Synchronization Settings’;
Please, note that, if you want to make adjustments to the primary settings in BrandsGateway, you’ll need to disable those settings in this section.
For example, if you want to change descriptions or titles oFew readersPerforming an Integrity Check
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By running an ‘Integrity Check’, you can start the update process of your Wix store. This feature helps you to correct accidental mistakes, such as deleting a picture or a product from your store.
From the ‘Menu’ on your left-hand side, select ‘Settings’;
Select ‘Integrity Check’;
Click onFew readersPerforming ‘Attribute Mapping’
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BrandsGateway App allows you to add your own sizing names to the products you import. For example, if you prefer US or EU size names, you can adjust them with the option for ‘Attribute Mapping’.
From the ‘Menu’ on your left-hand side, select ‘Settings’;
Choose ‘Attribute Mapping’;
Here you’ll see ‘BrandsGateway Attribute Names’ and ‘Sizes Names’as well as the field for ‘Dropshipper Attribute Names’ anFew readersIntroducing Category Mapping
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‘Category Mapping’ is the process of matching BrandsGateway’s main categories and subcategories of products with your Wix Collections. ‘Category Mapping’ is needed for importing BrandsGateway’s products to your store. It allows setting up a mark-up for each category of products you import. You can adjust it at any moment.
You can find Category mapping under ‘Settings’ ‘Category Mapping’
(https://storage.crisp.chaFew readersHow to navigate your Dashboard inside BrandsGateway's app - Wix users
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Under the dashboard you can find information about products, orders, last imports, etc.
The Total number represents the total number of products that are imported to your store.
Under Create, you can find the total number of products that are yet to be imported to your store.
In case you done some changes to your store, such as updating the markups, brand filter, vFew readers